Thursday, May 24, 2012

CALORIES what are they?

A CALORIE IS NOT A CALORIE by Lynn Powers DeliciouslyFIT

Hello everyone its been a while since my last post but I've been very busy, however I just cant help it but I have to keep you guys up to date and share some more great information I just came across by a friend of mine and you guys can read more good stuff at
any way please have read this stuff is like poetry to my ears its the same thing I've been saying all this time, and whats good its coming from a professional fitness athlete, do enjoy people...

A calorie is NOT a calorie ...200 calories of processed, junk food with no nutrient value is NOT the same as 200 calories of real, food (veggies, fruit, chicken, fish, etc.). Your body does not receive this food the same way. A body eating the junk will not look the same as the body eating the real food. Eating the real food will produce beautiful healthy skin; shiny, strong hair, nails, bones; bright eyes, healthy hormones, organs, muscle growth, cell growth and repair, etc.... A body eating the same amount of calories eating junk will have bad, dull, breaking out skin, dull hair, brittle nails, illness and disease invading their organs, no muscle tone, fatigue, etc.... I hear so many people say "it's calories in and calories out" NO it isn't . Your digestive system is the key to your health. The digestive system needs certain nutrients, the right amount of pure clean water, and fiber to digest and absorb nutrients properly. Fad diets promoting their special desserts, packaged foods and telling you you can still eat all of your favorite junk food...are WRONG. The brain was created to KNOW how to read and send message to the body with real, natural food. The brain tells the body, hey guys here is an apple, you know what to do with it. When someone eats man made junk, the brain sends out and alarm to the body "warning warning" I don't know what the hell this crap is and I sure as hell don't know what to do with it either! The warning comes in the form of INFLAMMATION which turns into illness, disease, depression, fatigue, mental fog, hormonal imbalances, mood swings, etc. The brain and the body were created as a perfect running machine. What do you think would happen if you saw a deer begin eating McDonalds food...we were meant to be one with nature and eat accordingly. So when a diet company who wants your business lies to you and tells you that it's calories in vs. calories out...RUN

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